Portrait pictures
Photographing portraits always presents a special challenge. Especially at weddings when it comes to capturing the emotions without the people noticing. It's always a joy to capture love and moments of affection in a natural way. When I see the smiling faces at the end, I share the joy of the people I photographed.
It is this unique connection between photographer and subjects that makes portrait and wedding photography special.
Each picture tells its own story and captures a precious moment forever.
Landscape pictures
When the sun rises or sets, nature often shows what beautiful colors it can conjure up. Capturing these moments is particularly great. It's always nice to see, especially in autumn, when the sun slowly disappears in the morning and the fog slowly disappears. That's why I like to photograph the sunrise before work. I also like to get up an hour early for this; This way the day simply starts much more relaxed.
Abandoned places are very interesting. They often show an almost forgotten history. So my last tour went to an old tannery.
I visit a place like this once a year. Most are perfect for winter when the weather is too bad to shoot outdoors.
I only enter places that I have either booked through a provider or for which I have permission.
After two years I started photographing wildlife. I find the local biodiversity very impressive. I don't use camouflage clothing or wait in one place for hours. I just don't have the patience for that. I just walk and stay calm. This also gives you very good pictures.
Do you take photos yourself and would like to learn or try something new? Then you are very welcome to visit my blog. I started this in January 2024. I will gradually introduce topics that will hopefully help you take better photos yourself. If you would like to find out more about a topic that is not yet on my blog, please feel free to write to me.